Energy Abundance

You’ve probably heard of “scarcity mindset” and “abundance mindset”, right?

They’ve sort of become buzz words recently; which is a bit of a double edged sword.

On the one hand, it does bring it to a greater awareness to more people.

And on the other hand, it does become a little overused and click-baity. And I don’t know about you, but oftentimes when I start to hear a certain phrase being used over and over and over and over and over and over again, I start to either tune it out, or just cringe a little when it comes up.  

So today, instead of just talking about them in the general sense, I want to share a pretty specific example of how you can actually shift from a scarcity mindset to an abundant one.

So let’s talk about your energy, shall we? (“Ohhhhh it’s much to early for ’shall we’….” – please someone tell me you get that reference. If you do, we can be friends forever)

Throughout your average, typical, run-of-the-mill day, how often do you find yourself thinking things like:

  • I’m so tired.

  • Ugh, I just want some rest/sleep.

  • Whyyyyyy must my kids insist that I get off my keister and feed them?

  • Is it nap time yet?

  • Is it bedtime yet?

  • I’m so friggin’ tired.

  • I need some serious caffeine if I’m going to make it through the rest of today

  • What can I make for dinner that will require the least amount of effort?

If your thoughts have gone down ANY of those paths…then right off the bat, I want you to know that I feel you.

I feel you so hard. Want in on a little secret? I used to be so insanely protective of my energy that the thing I used to be most terrified about in regards to becoming a mother was losing sleep. I was (and lets be honest, still am to a degree) OBSESSED with always making sure I had “enough” sleep. Most of my college years, you would find me in bed by about 10:00 PM every night. I would hang out with my roommates (who are my besties and I still love them so so much…not sure if they read my blog or not, but HannahTiffSarahShea if you’re reading this I love you) in the first part of the night, then bow out as soon as it was my self-appointed bedtime.

Now, I don’t regret this in the slightest. I basically always had class and/or rehearsals by 8:00 am at the latest Monday through Saturday. And as a dance major, I highly valued making sure I had plenty of energy to be able to show up and perform my best in every dance class and every rehearsal (never mind the fact that I ate like garbage…but that’s a story for another day).

However – I believe it was in my college years that I started getting really precious with my energy. There were times when I would say no to a party invite, or a fun group activity, because I was afraid that it would take up too much of my energy. Don’t get me wrong…I still had plenty of fun and adventures. But I could have enjoyed plenty more experiences if I hadn’t created this scarcity mindset around my energy.

I had formed this idea that each person is only granted a certain amount of energy; and by that logic, if I were to spend some of my precious energy on one activity, it would leave me with that much less energy for the next activity. Which, more often than not, was something regarding my dance major – and dance was EVERYTHING. It was my life. I wish I could calculate how many hours I spent in a studio through my college years.

And so, I did all that I could to protect my energy – which often involved me saying no to something that I would have really enjoyed and greatly benefited in.


(and take special note of the all caps, boldness, and number of exclamation marks…that’s how important this is)


Yes. Limitless. Literally limitless.

I’ll be honest – this is a concept that I am still actively working my mind around! And I have made huge strides in the last little while, and I can tell you with absolute certainty that WE get to decide what, and how much, energy we have!

Here are just a few ways that you are choosing your energy level:

  • The foods you eat

    • Lower nutritional value = lower energy levels

    • Higher nutritional value = higher energy levels

  • How you are using your physical body

    • Mostly sedentary = lower energy levels

    • Frequent movement = higher energy levels

  • The information you consume

    • Too much mindless social media/news/YouTube/Netflix, etc = lower energy levels

    • Personal development books/educational content/spiritual growth sources, etc = higher energy levels

  • Your own thoughts and beliefs

    • “I’m tired”, “Reading this book to my child for the 2398479th time requires too much energy”, “I didn’t get enough sleep”, “I’m so tired of hearing ‘MOM!!!’ all day long”, etc = lower energy levels

    • “I have all the energy that I need in this moment”, “I’m excited for what I get to do today!”, “My body is so smart, and knows how to regulate my energy without conscious thought”, etc = higher energy levels

Listen – I know that it can seem incredibly daunting to make these kinds of shifts.

Especially the thoughts and beliefs. So know this: you absolutely do not have to do these all at once! Pick ONE. Just one. And get really good at making that shift before attempting any others. I promise that if you just work toward making consistent progress, you WILL start to see your life (and energy) change.

And if all of this just seems like too much, I would love for you to hop on a free Energy Elevation Session with me. I will help you identify what your personal energy leaks are, and help you see exactly what you can do you plug up those leaks.

I can almost guarantee that the process is easier than you might think.

And I can 100% guarantee this: you are worth every ounce of the effort.

PS – if you struggle with knowing how to set goals, what goals to set, and how to reach them, go snag my free 3 Day Goal Setting & Achieving Workshop here 💖

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